The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) offers a grant for experienced journalists with a focus on science. During the three- to six-month stay, the journalists have the opportunity to a get deeper insight into computer-aided, data-driven science. The grant is endowed with 5000 Euro per month and will allow the journalists to work without the pressure of daily business. For the first time, this offer will also be available for international applicants. The deadline for applications is September 15, 2013. The stay is scheduled for January 2014.

Around 100 scientists from 15 countries are working in 8 research groups at HITS right now. The research topics range from astrophysics to cell biology. Even though the topics are rather manifold, there is a common base: the research generates and processes large amounts of data. Therefore, one objective of the institute is to raise awareness among the general public about the importance of computer-aided, data-driven research.

The program is targeted at freelance and staff journalists with several years of work experience and a work focus on science journalism, especially natural sciences, mathematics, and technology. The media can be chosen freely: print and online media are as welcome as radio and TV. A good command of written and spoken English is requested. At least basic knowledge of German is recommended.

The HITS had already welcomed two Journalists in Residence. The first participant of this program was Volker Stollorz, who worked at the institute from July until December of 2012. Regarding his stay, he said: “The possibility of spending a considerable amount of time with these smart ‘HITSters’ will stay in my mind for a long time, and it will influence my work as a science journalist. This program creates opportunities to intensify the important dialogue between science, science journalism, and the public.”

Pia Grzesiak, at HITS since April 2013, sees a great opportunity for scientific journalists in this stay as well: “I was surprised by how many interesting and relevant topics are hidden behind these mountains of theoretical and invisible data. Here at HITS, I have the opportunity of getting a deeper insight, and dealing with issues for which there is usually no time in daily business. This is a great experience.”

The next Journalist in Residence will be elected by a jury of science journalists, as well as scientists from universities, Max Planck Institutes, and HITS. For the first time, the program will be open to international applicants. Therefore, the “Journalist in Residence” program will be introduced at the World Conference of Science Journalists (WCSJ) in Helsinki next week ( The date is Wednesday, June 26, 13:30 local time, press room.

Dr. Peter Saueressig
Head of Communications
HITS Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
+49 6221-533-245

More information:

HITS (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies) is a private, non-profit research institute. As a research institute of the Klaus Tschira Foundation, HITS conducts basic research from astrophysics to cell biology, with a focus on processing and structuring large volumes of data. The institute is jointly managed by Klaus Tschira and Andreas Reuter.