MDA’s Information Systems group today announced that it has signed a follow-on contract to provide Tesat-Spacecom GmbH and Co. KG with an additional six computer boards that will be integrated into their Laser Communication Terminals (LCT), which provide very broadband data transmission in space between two satellites. As the high speed platform for the software that controls the LCT, including the demanding laser pointing, acquisition, and tracking functions, MDA’s computer board is a contributor to the successful operation of the LCT.

The LCTs will be installed in the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 series satellites of the Copernicus Earth observation program, as well as on the two satellites that comprise the European Data Relay System (EDRS). Copernicus and EDRS are programs developed by the European Space Agency

The EDRS communication satellites, stationed in geostationary orbit, will relay information between the Sentinel Earth observation satellites, located in low earth orbit, and the ground stations. Relaying information from remote sensing satellites in lower orbit to a communication satellite in the higher geostationary orbit via the LCT, and then to a ground station, will enable tremendous amounts of data to be sent to users in near real time. With faster delivery of imagery and other time sensitive information products, critical information can be available for decision makers sooner, enhancing support for response activities such as those needed for natural disasters.

Joanna Boshouwers, the general manager responsible for this business said, “MDA and Tesat have worked together for many years. Our commitment to design excellence, quality, and reliability have made this sophisticated MDA product a regular component for Tesat’s Laser Communication Terminals.

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