MDA’s Information Systems group announced today that it has delivered another Direction Finding (DF) Antenna System to Ultra Electronics TCS, a provider of integrated SIGnal INTelligence (SIGINT) solutions to military customers worldwide. MDA’s Spinning DF Antenna system provides accurate and reliable directivity and DF precision.

The newly delivered system includes an extended DF frequency range from 0.5 to 40 GHz with only two directional antennas, thereby minimizing the need for band switching. To enable instantaneous 360° Field of View (FoV), the DF antenna system is optionally complemented by omnidirectional antennas.

Joanna Boshouwers, the General Manager responsible for MDA’s communications business in Montreal said, “MDA and Ultra Electronics TCS have worked together for several years. Our commitment to design excellence, quality, and reliability have made this best-in-class MDA product an integral component of Ultra Electronics TCS’ UltraEagle strategic ELectronic INTelligence (ELINT) product line and firmly establishes MDA as a trusted supplier of military grade ELINT antenna systems. This contract furthers MDA’s strategy to expand into defence terrestrial applications.”

James Rose, General Manager responsible for Ultra Electronics TCS’ EW business in Ottawa said, “The MDA DF antenna offers Ultra outstanding performance in the 6-40 GHz band that is unequaled in the market, allowing Ultra to offer a strategic ELINT system with unparalleled sensitivity in the part of the band that our customers find most interesting in their surveillance missions”.

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