Brampton, Ontario May 1, 2000

— MacDonald Dettwiler subsidiary, MD Space and Advanced Robotics Ltd. (MD Robotics), has
completed a successful Acceptance Review with the Canadian Space Agency for the Mobile Base
System (MBS), a major piece of hardware for the International Space Station.

The MBS is the foundation for the Mobile Servicing System (MSS), Canada’s contribution to the
International Space Station. This system will be employed as a storage location and work platform for

The program received the highest praise from both CSA and NASA for the excellence of the product.
The contractor team, which included firms from coast to coast in Canada, can be proud of this
outstanding achievement.

The MBS is the fourth system produced by MD Robotics that has been accepted by both CSA and
NASA for integration into the International Space Station; the others include the Space Station
Remote Manipulator System, Operations Control Software System and Robotic Work Station.

“The acceptance of the MBS by the Canadian Space Agency is the culmination of many years of
intensive design, development and test,” said Mag Iskander, vice president and general manager of
MD Robotics. “The success of this review validates the technology and Canada’s pioneering efforts in

Following the interface with other space station equipment to verify its operation in the end-to-end
configuration in June, the MBS will be shipped to NASA KSC for integration and testing with other
elements of the International Space Station. Early in 2002 the 1,450 kg structure will be delivered to
the space station and installed on the waiting Mobile Transporter providing the capability to move
payloads and EVA crewmembers along the station’s 100-meter long truss.

MD Robotics, under government contract to the Canadian Space Agency, is the prime contractor for
the Mobile Servicing System (MSS), Canada’s contribution to the International Space Station. The
MSS comprises a Space Station Remote Manipulator System, the next generation Canadarm; a
Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, a two-armed robot designed to carry out delicate assembly
and servicing tasks; and a Mobile Base System, a work platform and storage area mounted to the
Space Station.

About MacDonald Dettwiler
MacDonald Dettwiler is Canada’s leading space and information company focused on the delivery of
essential information for land related business transactions and the development of end-to-end
business systems to automate business processes and functions. MDA helps people around the
world make important decisions anytime, anywhere.

MacDonald Dettwiler employs over 1700 people around the world through a network of offices,
subsidiaries, and distributors.