Canada’s first commercial spaceport is one step closer to reality today following approval from the provincial government’s Department of Environment.

Nova Scotia Environment Minister Gordon Wilson approved the project, with conditions, based on a Focus Report that was submitted by Maritime Launch Services (MLS) in March.

“Today’s decision by Minister Wilson affirms the commitment of MLS to build and operate Nova Scotia’s spaceport with environmental sensitivity and safety as priorities. Once again, we thank the community for its overwhelming support for this initiative. This is an exciting day for the communities of Canso, Hazel Hill and Little Dover, the province, and the country,” said Steve Matier, President and CEO of MLS. “We are grateful to Minister Wilson and his staff for their rigorous and thorough environmental assessment process.”

MLS will comply with each of the conditions of the approval and will be working with the Department of Lands and Forestry to complete the Crown Land lease with the goal of a ceremonial groundbreaking in July. The proposed commercial spaceport will become an economic engine in the region and will build upon Canada’s heritage in the global space community.

About MLS

Maritime Launch Services is a commercial aerospace company based in Nova Scotia. Our plan is to establish a commercially-controlled, commercially-managed, launch site that would provide rocket launch services to clients, in support of the growing commercial space transportation industry. The development of this facility will allow the Cyclone 4M launch vehicles to place satellites into low-earth and/or sun synchronous orbit, building to a launch tempo of eight launches per year. This would be the first commercial orbital launch complex in Canada. It is anticipated Project construction to start in the summer of 2019 with first launch in the last quarter of 2021.