PPARC pledge £5 million to European Space Agency preparatory programme

Science Minister Lord Sainsbury today announced the UK’s commitment to the next
stage of the European Space Exploration Programme (ESEP) ‘Aurora’.

The Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) will invest £5
million on behalf of the UK in the European Space Agency’s (ESA) preparatory
phase for Aurora.

Aurora is the framework proposed by ESA for the long-term exploration of the
Solar System, with the aim of a human mission to Mars in 2033. Its two main
themes are the development of human technologies to eventually take humans to
Mars, and the robotic exploration of Mars as a precursor to the human mission.

Lord Sainsbury said today: “I am delighted to announce that PPARC will take
forward the UK’s investment in the preparatory element of the Aurora programme.
This subscription will make the UK one of the leading contributors to this next
phase up to early 2006.

“As well as the science benefits, this programme could develop valuable new
technology in autonomous robotics, which is why the UK places such emphasis on
this approach to space exploration.”

The UK investment, along with subscriptions from other member states, will
enable ESA to:

  • Define the roadmap for Aurora.
  • Begin preparations for the first robotic missions.
  • Produce costed proposals to see the first missions through to launch.

The information gained from the preparatory phase will enable all member states
to decide what role they wish to take in the final, implementation stage for Aurora.

Lord Sainsbury, speaking at a press conference featuring leading members of the
science and industrial community, added: “Our long-standing participation in
ESA’s space science programme remains central to our programme to answer
fundamental questions about the origins and history of our Universe.

“We have clear scientific targets for our space programme, and over this next,
critical period, I want British scientists and industry to work closely with ESA
so that the Aurora programme is realistic and focuses on the key scientific issues.

“Space exploration has always been a voyage of discovery and today could be the
start of another exciting journey which greatly expands our knowledge of the
world in which we live.”


1. BNSC is a partnership of Government Departments and Research Councils with an
interest in the development or exploitation of space technologies. BNSC is the
UK Government body responsible for UK civil space policy, to help gain the best
possible scientific, economic and social benefits from putting space to work.

2. Aurora is an ESA programme to explore the Solar System in all its aspects,
particularly Mars. Preparatory studies have already been conducted into the
programme with the UK (PPARC) contributing 10% (€1.4 million) of the cost.

3. For the UK, the main science interests in Aurora are:

  • to study the possibility of extraterrestrial biology, giving us insight into our own biology
  • to better understand the formation and evolution of solar systems
  • to understand our own planet better

4. The science discoveries and technology developments are intended to put
Europe in a position in a decade or so to decide whether to establish a human
presence on Mars.

5. Earlier this year, ESA proposed to member delegations to undertake a
‘Preparatory Space Exploration Programme – Aurora’ which would have two goals:
first; to refine the overall programme roadmap and second to begin preparation
of the early robotic missions where the scientific and technological goals are
well defined.

6. After a meeting of the Aurora Board of Participants in July 2004 (at which
the UK is represented by PPARC) a programme of work was agreed and a declaration
opened for individual member nations to subscribe to this preparatory
(‘interim’) programme. The open period for this declaration closed on 30th
September 2004.

7. This interim programme will undertake a range of activities to be let via
competitive tender to academia and industry and to be completed by 2006. The
output will be a costed definition both for the overall programme and for the
first scientifically oriented robotic missions.

Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
Swindon, U.K.


Peter Barratt
PPARC Press Office
Tel: 01793 442025
Mobile: 0787 9602899

Prof. John Zarnecki
Open University
Tel: 01908 659599

Dr Sarah Dunkin
CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Tel: 01235 446861

Dr Mike Healy
Director Earth Observation, Navigation and Science
EADS Astrium
Tel: 02392 705097
Mobile: 07887 826027

Alistair Scott
Communications and Public Relations,
EADS Astrium
Tel: +44(0)1438 773698, Mob:+44(0)7887 826264