C-COM Satellite Systems Inc. (TSXV: CMI; OTC: CYFNS), the world’s leading provider of commercial grade auto-acquire mobile satellite antennas,  announced today the completion of its first live test of a low-cost commercially available, 74cm parabolic, flyaway antenna system, with Telesat’s Phase 1 LEO satellite.

C-COM’s fully automatic, highly compact, and easy to deploy iNetVu® FLY-74 Ka-band transportable antenna was used during the live testing at Telesat’s Allan Park facility in Ontario, Canada.

The iNetVu® FLY-74 has been tracking Telesat’s Phase 1 LEO satellite over a six-month period. Full-duplex throughput data rates of up to 158 Mbps on the downlink and 158 Mbps on the uplink were achieved at extremely high spectral efficiencies, all while demonstrating the ultra-low latency capabilities (20-40 msec) of Telesat LEO.

The on-air tests were conducted using a Newtec MDM 6000 modem. The FLY-74 antenna acquired and tracked the LEO satellite at elevation angles as low as 10 degrees above the horizon.

“We are very pleased with the performance and high reliability of our FLY-74 antenna system and its ability to track and maintain connectivity with the Telesat LEO satellite,” said Bilal Awada, Chief Technology Officer of C-COM. “A number of these flyaway antenna systems have already been deployed for tracking low orbit satellites, such as CubeSats and Smallsats, in Canada and in other parts of the world.”

“Telesat is working with high technology vendors such as C-COM to assure the availability of affordable antenna systems for Telesat LEO across a variety of applications,” stated Michel Forest, Director, LEO Systems Engineering.  “C-COM’s advanced antenna technology will enable Telesat’s customers to take full advantage of Telesat LEO’s capabilities, including high capacity and ultra-low latency.”

About Telesat

Backed by a legacy of engineering excellence, reliability and industry-leading customer service, Telesat has grown to be one of the largest and most successful global satellite operators. Telesat works collaboratively with its customers to deliver critical connectivity solutions that tackle the world’s most complex communications challenges, providing powerful advantages that improve their operations and drive growth. Telesat LEO, our Low Earth Orbit network scheduled to begin service in 2022, will revolutionize global broadband connectivity by delivering a combination of high capacity, security, resiliency and affordability with ultra-low latency and fiber-like speeds.

Privately held and headquartered in Ottawa, Canada with offices and facilities around the world, Telesat’s principal shareholders are Canada’s Public Sector Pension Investment Board and Loral Space & Communications Inc. (NASDAQ: LORL). For more information, visit www.telesat.com.

About C-COM Satellite Systems Inc.

C-COM Satellite Systems Inc. is a pioneer and world leader in the design, development, and manufacture of mobile satellite-based antenna systems. The Company has developed proprietary, auto-acquisition controller technology for rapid antenna pointing to satellite with just the press of a button, enabling Broadband Internet via Satellite where terrestrial markets have failed, are overloaded or don’t exist.

C-COM has sold more than 8,500 antenna systems, in over 100 countries, through a dedicated dealer network that provides service to a wide range of vertical markets such as Oil & Gas Exploration, Military Communications, Disaster Management, SNG, Emergency Communications, Cellular Backhaul, Telemedicine, Mobile Education, Government Services, Mobile Banking, and others. The Company’s iNetVu® brand is synonymous with high quality, reliability and cost-effectiveness.

C-COM is in late stage development of a potentially revolutionary Ka-band, electronically steerable, modular, conformal, flat panel phased array antenna. In cooperation with the University of Waterloo, C-COM is engaged in the design of this unique antenna with the intent of providing low-cost, high-throughput mobility applications over satellite for land, airborne and maritime verticals.

iNetVu® is a registered trademark of C-COM Satellite Systems Inc.

The Company is publicly traded on the Canadian Venture Exchange (TSXV: CMI;  CVE: CMI) and on the US OTC Exchange (OTC: CYNSF).