Singer Experiences Zero-Gravity for the First Time

Pop singer and prospective space tourist
Lance Bass joined Space Adventures today on one of its scheduled
Zero-Gravity training flights in Star City, Russia. During the one-hour
parabolic training flight, Bass and Space Adventures’ clients floated
weightlessly for 30-second intervals. For imagery from the zero-gravity
flight, visit

“We are always happy to be able to assist space enthusiasts, adventure
seekers or celebrities with space flight experiences,” said Space Adventures
President and CEO Eric Anderson. “Space Adventures wishes Lance Bass the
best on his bid for an orbital flight into space.”

Former NASA astronaut and Space Adventures advisor Norm Thagard also flew
today to guide participants through the weightless training experience. As
the first American to launch on a Russian Soyuz rocket, Thagard experienced
training similar to that which Bass and other space tourist candidates
undergo. Zero-gravity flights are one part of a series of space flight
training programs operated by Space Adventures in collaboration with the
Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

Space Adventures, which arranged the first two space tourist flights to the
International Space Station (ISS) for Dennis Tito and Mark Shuttleworth, has
several other clients in the preliminary phases of the space flight
qualification process.

“We continue to witness growing interest in flights to the ISS,” commented

The first step in the qualification process is a two-week training schedule
during which candidates undergo zero-gravity and supersonic flights, as well
as a rigorous medical examination. Space Adventures’ Orbital
Pre-Qualification Program is officially approved by the Russian Space Agency
and cosmonaut training organizations.

Space Adventures, Ltd., the world’s leading space tourism company, offers a
wide range of space experiences, from zero-gravity and high-altitude
supersonic flights, cosmonaut training and space flight qualification
programs, to actual flights into space. Space Adventures has provided
clients like Dennis Tito and Mark Shuttleworth with the once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to fly to the International Space Station. For more information
about Space Adventures, visit or call