More than 30 European companies, from different ESA member States, are
present at the CSG (Guiana Space Center), working either on the
launcher development and production activities or on the Investments
and M&O activities of the launch base.

In parallel to this, CNES (French Space Agency)has initiated, some
years ago, a programme of recruitment of European staff to work at
CNES/CSG, in French Guiana. These staff get a contract of an initial
duration of 3 years, which can be renewed, on a yearly basis, up to a
total of 6 years. A basic condition for their recruitment is that their
mother companies/organisations must commit themselves to reintegrate them back, at the end of the period.

This initiative offers interesting opportunities, both to European
engineers willing to enhance their knowledge, skills and capabilities,
and to European companies and organisations willing to enlarge their
scope and understanding of the space business and space actors.

The Guiana Space Centre is part of CNES and you are invited to get access to the CNES Human Resources web site at the following address: