Kinki Nippon Tourist Co., Ltd.
(Kintetsu International)
June 25, 2001

TOKYO, Japan: Kinki Nippon Tourist Co., Ltd. (KNT) is pleased to make an announcement of its commitment to Space Tourism with a firm belief that space tour will become a driving force for the travel industry in the 21st Century. With such commitment in mind, as of July 2, 2001, KNT will establish a new segment within its organization to have it solely focus on preparation for upcoming space tours. In an effort to pave the way for space tours, our preparation will include researches of all the aspects of issues associated with planning, selling, operating, and managing space tours through close coordination with individuals, firms, and organizations involved in Space Tourism.

KNT, the second largest wholesale tour operator and travel company in Japan, is capitalized at 75.8 million dollars with a workforce of 6,225 employees in its 305 offices throughout the world. Its shares are traded in the major section of Tokyo Stock Exchange. The company pioneered in Space Tourism in 1998 by helping a Japanese franchisee when it launched sweepstakes of a space tour through Pepsi campaign. There were 650 thousand applications from all over the country for five tickets, each was worth $98,000, to the sub orbital flight planned by then-Zegrahm Space Voyages.

To further expand the above experiment, the Club Tourism Division of KNT is planning to organize Space Travel Club for those interested in space tours. Club members will be kept updated with a wealth of information of any developments of Space Tourism as we get it from all over the world. The activities of Space Travel Club will include periodical get-togethers, where members share information they have, exchange their views, enjoy videos and/or movies related to space tourism, and visit various space-related points of interest around the world. Through such activities, members will enhance their understanding to get closer to have their dreams come true.

KNT’s Club Tourism Division currently operates almost 200 travel-oriented clubs with a wide variety of interests and hobbies through the readership of Tabi no Tomo, a monthly travel magazine distributed free of charge to 3 million households in major metropolitan areas.

For further information, contact Joe Y. Shiraishi at Club Tourism division of the company at 6-3-1 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8308, Japan. Phone: +81-3-5323-6930. Fax: +81-3-5323-6678. Send e-mail to