Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at Bangalore today (March 1, 2002) for Cooperation in Space. The MOU was signed by Dr K Kasturirangan, Chairman, ISRO and Dr Mucio Roberto Dias, President, AEB in the presence of the Minister of State (Space), Smt. Vasundhara Raje and Mr Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg, Minister for Science & Technology, Brazil.

The MOU envisages cooperation between the two Space Agencies in the peaceful uses of outer space and is expected to open up a long and enduring relationship between India and Brazil in the following broad areas:

  • Cooperative programmes in satellites and use of sounding rockets, balloons and ground based facilities for space research and applications of space technology;
  • Studies related to satellite communications, space-based remote sensing and meteorology applications;
  • Operation of satellite ground stations and satellite mission management;
  • Organisation of training programmes and;
  • Exchange of technical and scientific personnel to participate in the studies and joint working groups to examine specific issues.

Speaking on the occasion, Smt Vasundhara Raje, Minister of State (Space) said that, though India and Brazial are located continents apart on the globe, they share several things in common. Both are large countries with rich endowment of natural resources, have long coastlines and rich bio-diversities and both the countries are striving to accelerate their economic growth through judicious use of science and technology. “Thus, there is a good scope for cooperative ventures between countries in the use of science and technology for development” she said. The minister also highlighted how India has been able to use space technology for a number of developmental applications.