Announcement of Opportunity for utilising Mars Orbiter Mission data from MCC, TIS, MSM, LAP and MENCA payloads (MOM-AO)

Start date : August 10, 2015
Last Date of Submission :September 10, 2015


Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Department of Space (DOS), Government of India, announces an opportunity (AO) to carry out scientific research using data from Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM). MOM is ISRO’s first interplanetary space probe dedicated for the Mars research. This AO is targeted towards utilizing the data from five payloads of MOM, namely Mars Colour Camera (MCC), Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (TIS), Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM), Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP) and Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyser (MENCA). MOM was launched from Sriharikota, India using a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) rocket on 5th November 2013. The science objectives include exploration of the surface of Mars and its atmosphere. This requires observations on geologic and atmospheric processes acting on Mars. Considering these requirements, the above five scientific payloads have been flown onboard MOM.

The five scientific instruments (MCC, TIS, MSM, LAP and MENCA) on-board MOM are being used to study the atmosphere, surface mineralogy and topography of the planet. The data from the satellite will be made available to the national scientific community through inviting research proposal as part of this AO for the five instruments. This Announcement of Opportunity (AO) is open to national scientific community for submitting research proposals towards utilisation of data from Payloads in the following broad categories:


– Understanding the Martian Atmospheric processes including dust storms and cloud formation
– Surface Geology, composition and Morphology of Mars
– Fluvial & Aeolian Process Studies
– Integrated studies of MOM payload data with other international missions e.g. MRO, Mars

Express, Mars Odyssey etc.

– Studies related to Trace gases on Mars including Methane
– Future Science Themes Subsurface Water on Mars


– Assessment of Martian atmospheric escape process, especially water escape rate using the
– measured Hydrogen, deuterium fluxes and estimated D/H ratio from LAP instrument.


– derive information on the radial distribution and composition of the Martian neutral exosphere

It should be noted that the selected project proposals through this AO will be provided limited financial support towards meeting the salary of a research student,, contingencies and limited travel to attend Project meeting and workshops. The project duration will be for a period of three years. Principal Investigators (PI) will be provided with relevant data sets, if available from Mars Orbiter Mission free of cost

Who can submit a Proposal?

Proposals could be submitted by individuals or a group of scientists, academicians belonging to recognized institutions, universities and government organizations of India. Only those having at least a minimum remaining service of four years before superannuation are eligible to lead the project as PI/Co-PI. The proposals must be forwarded through the Head of the Institution, with appropriate assurance for providing necessary facilities for carrying out the AO project.

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