The Iranian government unveiled four new remote sensing satellites and a rocket Monday, according to a front page article in the Tehran Times. First up is the Amir Kabir satellite, also known as RU300, which Iran intends to launch mid-spring “to carry out research projects facilitating the management of natural disasters like floods and earthquakes.” 

The article says the unveiling ceremony was attended by Iranian President Mahmoud Amhadinejad and Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi.

     “The first-stage and second-stage engines of the Safir-e-Fajr satellite carrier and a space recycling and environmental station were also unveiled during the ceremony.

     “The Fajr satellite is a reconnaissance satellite powered by solar energy.

     “The Rasad and Zafar satellites will be used for remote sensing missions. The images taken by these satellites can be utilized in meteorology and for the demarcation of water borders and charting the topography of the tributaries of rivers.”


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