Software originally developed at ESA for satellite ground systems is enjoying growing use in many non-space fields. European and international experts on these topics are invited to ESA’s 4th ‘European Ground System Architecture Workshop’ (ESAW) on 18-19 June 2013.

Controlling a satellite in orbit requires highly trained engineers and sophisticated software and ground systems – the ‘ground segment’ – which are designed and developed by teams at ESOC, ESA’s European Space Operations Centre, in Darmstadt, Germany.

The ground segment requires very high-quality software databases, tools and applications to make everything work, ensuring that telecommands can be generated and issued quickly and correctly and that precious data are downloaded and distributed to scientists.

The ESAW workshop provides an international forum for ground system architects to exchange ideas and best practices. The organisers invite presentations covering all aspects of spacecraft ground systems with a special focus on collaboration and common solutions. The gathering is expected to include over 220 senior delegates from around the world, presenting their latest research and development results.
Information for abstract submissions (until 3 May) and ESAW-workshop registration (until 8 June) via the ESA Conference Bureau:

More details on ESA software for satellite ground stystems:

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