Space Adventures, Ltd., the
leading space tourism company, announced today the successful launch of
its second orbital client, Mark Shuttleworth, to the International Space
Station (ISS). Shuttleworth and his two crewmates, Russian commander
Yuri Gidzenko and Italian astronaut Roberto Vittori, took off today on a
Russian Soyuz rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan at
approximately 2:27 a.m. EDT.

The Soyuz will dock with the ISS’ Zarya module around 4 a.m. Saturday.
Shuttleworth is due to return to Earth on May 4, after spending 8 days
onboard the ISS.

“We are very excited about Mr. Shuttleworth’s journey and look forward
to making the dream of space flight a reality for more people,” said
Eric Anderson, President and CEO of Space Adventures. Future
opportunities for orbital space tourist flights are available each April
and October through Space Adventures.

Interview opportunities with Space Adventures representatives are
available upon request.

About Space Adventures, Ltd.

Space Adventures, Ltd., the world’s leading space tourism company,
offers a wide range of space experiences, from zero-gravity and
high-altitude supersonic flights, cosmonaut training and space flight
qualification programs on Earth, to actual flights into space. With
offices in Arlington, Va. and Moscow, Space Adventures is developing a
U.S.-based spaceport from which sub-orbital space flights will begin
operations by 2005. For more information about Space Adventures, please
call 1-888-85-SPACE or visit


Tereza Predescu

Phone: +1 (703) 524-7172