Intelsat announced today at the Pacific
Telecommunications Conference (PTC) that it has signed an agreement with
REACH to lease teleport services from the company’s Stanley Teleport in Hong
Kong. The signing of this agreement represents the completion of Intelsat’s
assembly of its global terrestrial infrastructure that is used in offering
GlobalConnexSM Solutions, its portfolio of end-to-end, integrated network

Intelsat customers will be able to use the teleport facilities in Hong Kong
for uplinking, downlinking and DVB platforms, in addition to Internet and
private line services. The teleport’s location in Hong Kong gives it
visibility of Intelsat satellites in both the Pacific and Indian Ocean
regions, thereby serving a large number of customers worldwide.

Some of Intelsat’s GlobalConnexSM customers, including the Civil Aviation
Authority (CAA) of Mongolia, currently use REACH’s Stanley Teleport as one
component of their end-to-end communications solutions. CAA, one of
Intelsat’s Internet Trunking customers, is using the Stanley Teleport in
combination with the Intelsat 601 satellite.

“The completion of Intelsat’s complementary worldwide terrestrial
infrastructure is an important step in the evolution of our company from
strictly offering space segment to being a flexible and reliable end-to-end
solutions provider,” stated Ramu Potarazu, President and COO, Intelsat
Global Service Corporation. “Customers worldwide have wanted solutions that
make their lives easier and businesses more efficient, and we answered their
call to action by evolving our network to directly meet their needs.”

In addition to Hong Kong, Intelsat’s end-to-end network infrastructure now
includes teleports in California, Maryland and Germany as well as fiber
interconnected Points of Presence in Los Angeles, New York, Frankfurt and

About Intelsat

Intelsat, Ltd. offers telephony, corporate network, video and Internet
solutions around the globe via capacity on 25 geosynchronous satellites in
prime orbital locations. Customers in approximately 200 countries rely on
Intelsat satellites and ground resources for quality connections, global
reach and reliability. For more information, visit


REACH is a 50-50 joint venture between Hong Kong-based PCCW Limited and
Australia’s Telstra Corporation Limited. It is Asia’s largest international
carrier of combined voice, private line and IP data services. It is also one
of the world’s top ten carriers of international voice traffic. REACH’s
products and services include an extensive portfolio of voice, data, IP and
satellite connectivity. The company has interests in more than 50 submarine
cable and satellite systems (including Asia’s largest teleport), and
operating licences and landing rights in most major markets including Hong
Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, North America and Europe.
REACH is headquartered in Hong Kong, with a significant presence in
Australia and substantial businesses across Asia, North America and Europe.
The company posted annualised revenue for fiscal 2001 of US$1.396 billion
and EBITDA US$434 million. For further information, please visit

Contact: Jodi Katz
+1 202 445 0047

Susan Gordon
+1 202 944 6890

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