Alcatel Space, a subsidiary of Alcatel (Paris:
CGEP.PA and NYSE: ALA), today delivered to the CNES, on behalf of Eumetsat
– the European organization for the exploitation of meteorological
satellites – the first flight model of IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding
Interferometer). This sounder will be integrated on Europe’s Metop weather
satellite for a planned launch in mid-2005. The IASI mission will supply
extremely accurate temperature and humidity profiles to improve weather
forecasts. It will also help identify the chemical compounds involved in
causing the greenhouse effect and atmospheric pollution.

The instrument delivered today is the first of a series of three autonomous
instruments ordered by Eumetsat. They will be installed on Metop
satellites, deployed as part of the future European Polar System. For this
program, CNES is prime for the entire IASI system comprising the
instruments, ground data processing software and technical evaluation
center. Eumetsat is providing funding for the program, covering three
flight models. Its is also in charge of instrument operation once it is
integrated on the Metop satellites, and for distribution of data to users.
The contract, awarded in 1998, was valued in excess of 200 million Euros.

Pascale Sourisse, Chairman and CEO of Alcatel Space said: "Following Jason
1 and MSG, we are proud to once again contribute to Europe’s major
meteorology and climatology programs by delivering the IASI instrument.
This instrument will contribute in the large-scale European program, Global
Monitoring for Environment and Safety (GMES), in which Alcatel Space plays
an important role. This program can count on our expertise in
state-of-the-art optical, radar and communications technologies, reflected
in the many successful Earth observation missions our company has
contributed to over the last 25 years."

The IASI instrument features highly innovative technologies for polar orbit
meteorological systems. An optical interferometry process offers a fine
spectral sampling of the atmosphere in the infrared band from 3.62 to 15.5
microns. This enables the instrument to establish temperature and water
vapor profiles in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere, as well as
measuring quantities of ozone, carbon monoxide, methane and other
compounds, all of which play fundamental roles in tropospheric phenomena
and the greenhouse effect, for instance.

The sophisticated IASI instrument incorporates a number of advanced
spaceborne technologies, including a gas cell stabilized laser, an ASIC
(application specific integrated circuit) pre-amplifier cooled to 100
Kelvin, and silicon carbide cube corner mirrors.

Alcatel Space is already the world leader in geostationary meteorology
systems, with prime contractor responsibility for first and second
generation (MSG) Meteosat satellites. Today’s delivery of the IASI confirms
its technological expertise in optical instruments for these applications,
as already proven on the Helios, Vegetation and Meris Earth observation

About CNES

"CNES develops and leads national space programmes. The main thrust of its
action is to serve France’s ambition to sustain a strong space capability
and contribute to scientific discovery at the highest levels. CNES is
committed to fostering innovative space technologies that meet the current
and future needs of society. Most programmes are pursued in cooperation
with international partners. CNES also plays a central role in programmes
initiated by ESA, the European Space Agency, to which it is a major
contributor. It is thus a driving force behind ESA programmes and

About Alcatel Space
Alcatel Space, a who
lly-owned subsidiary of Alcatel, is the world’s third
largest satellite manufacturer and Number 1 in Europe. Deploying extensive
dual expertise in civil and military applications, Alcatel Space develops
satellite solutions for telecommunications, navigation, radar and optical
observation, meteorology and science. The company is also the leading
European prime contractor for earth observation, meteorology and navigation
ground segments, and for space system operation. For more information,
visit the Alcatel Space website:

About Alcatel

Alcatel provides end-to-end communications solutions, enabling carriers,
service providers and enterprises to deliver content to any type of user,
anywhere in the world. Leveraging its long-term leadership in
telecommunications network equipment as well as its expertise in
applications and network services, Alcatel enables its customers to focus
on optimizing their service offerings and revenue streams. With sales of
EURO 16.5 billion in 2002, Alcatel operates in more than 130 countries.