Global Satellite Communications Provider Intends to Launch Interoperable Communications Network to Meet Communications Needs of First Responders and Homeland Defense Personnel

Global satellite communications provider Inmarsat announced today that it has filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) seeking authorization to provide Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) by 2010 using a spacecraft that will operate in the 2 GHz band. The proposed spacecraft is part of Inmarsat’s planned next generation global system which will be focused on providing global voice, data and multimedia MSS offerings using the 2 GHz band and enabling the establishment or restoration of a communications network in times of crisis.

“Inmarsat services on the 2 GHz band will enhance our role as a provider of reliable, safety-related government and commercial communications services,” said Andy Sukawaty, CEO of Inmarsat. “The devastating effects of the recent Gulf Coast hurricanes have demonstrated the need for interoperable communications services for emergency responders and political officials. The 2 GHz band will allow Inmarsat to continue its long legacy of supporting the communications needs of the U.S. military, civil defense and all agencies associated with homeland security.”

In 2001, the FCC authorized eight companies to use the 2 GHz band for MSS with the provision that certain satellite construction milestones be met. Six of the eight companies have since forfeited their authorizations. Inmarsat has applied for the unused spectrum to meet the expectation of significantly increased demand for new multimedia and emerging broadband satellite services and to provide first responders with reliable communications capabilities when a terrestrial network has been disabled. As a new entrant in this band, Inmarsat will enhance competition and improve the prospects for actually getting this spectrum resource into service for the benefit of the American public.

Inmarsat has more than two decades of experience implementing and operating a global fleet of MSS satellites that provides essential services to public safety, military, government, commercial and humanitarian users alike. With the near-completion of the $1.5 billion Inmarsat-4 satellite network project, Inmarsat is working on its plans for a state-of-the-art, next generation MSS system in the 2GHz band that will provide new types of broadband and multimedia services across a hybrid satellite-terrestrial architecture. The company plans to develop the system in partnership with leading technology, service and content partners.

“The 2 GHz band is uniquely suited to support broadband and multimedia MSS services and the development of an integrated, interoperable satellite/terrestrial network that can provide uninterrupted, high quality communications service in a time of crisis,” said Sukawaty. “Inmarsat has been providing communications support for the government, military and a range of public officials responsible for safety and security for more than twenty years and see the build-out of the 2 GHz network as an extension of our heritage in this arena.”

About Inmarsat

Inmarsat plc is the leading provider of global mobile satellite communications. Since 1979, Inmarsat has been providing reliable voice and high-speed data communications to governments, enterprises and other organizations, with a range of services that can be used on land, at sea or in the air. The company’s services are delivered through a world-class network of leading telecom groups. For the year ended 31 December 2004, group revenue was $480.7 million, with operating profit of $159.1 million. More information can be found at