Industry Veteran from Orbital Sciences Heads SpaceX Washington Legislative Team

Washington – Today, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) announced that former Orbital Sciences executive and industry leader Mark Bitterman is joining the company’s Washington office as Senior Vice President of Government Affairs. Bitterman joins SpaceX after serving in a similar role at Orbital for 19 years.

“Mark brings a wealth of experience to SpaceX that will help us better meet the needs of our customers,” said Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX president. “Mark’s leadership will ensure critical policymakers remain knowledgeable on the ways SpaceX can lower the cost and improve the reliability of accessing space, while providing the best value for the taxpayer.”

“I am thrilled about joining the SpaceX team,” said Bitterman. “Over the past few years, I’ve watched the company establish itself as a major force in the industry and now look forward to playing a leadership role as the company enters its next phase. My focus at SpaceX will be to further strengthen the company’s relationships with Congress during a time of great challenges for the nation’s civil, commercial and military space programs.”

Bitterman spent nearly two decades at Orbital Sciences Corporation, a developer and manufacturer of launch vehicles, satellites and missile systems. Hired as director of government relations in 1992, he rose to senior vice president of government and external relations in 2000. Prior to his time at Orbital, Bitterman spent four years at the U.S. Department of Defense as the Special Assistant for Intelligence, Special Operations, and Counter-Drug Policy to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs. Before joining the Pentagon, Mr. Bitterman spent two years as a foreign military sales specialist with TRW, Inc., and from 1986 through 1995, he was a U.S. Naval Reserve officer with the Office of Naval Intelligence.

In addition to his government relations function within Orbital, Mark has served on numerous boards and advisory groups, including the International Trade Advisory Committee to the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative; the Board of Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority; the Board of the Virginia Offshore Wind Development Authority; and the Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee to the Secretary of Transportation.

Bitterman holds a Bachelor of Science in International Politics from Rutgers University and a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University. He also received a certificate in National and International Security from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government Executive Education Program.

Kirstin Brost Grantham | Communications Director | SpaceX | 202-649-2716
