A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cooperation in space science and technology was signed today (March 5, 2005) between the Department of Space (DOS) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) of Venezuela. Mr G Madhavan Nair, Chairman, Space Commission and Secretary, Department of Space of India, and Ms Marlene Yadira Córdova, Honourable Minister for Science and Technology of Venezuela signed the MOU in the presence of Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India and Mr Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela at Hyderabad House, New Delhi. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Institute of Engineering Foundation (FII) will be the principal executive agencies responsible for implementing the cooperation on behalf of DOS and MCT respectively.

This MOU provides an umbrella for long term cooperation between India and Venezuela in the area of space and includes the study of cooperative programmes in satellites for space science research and remote sensing of the earth, studies related to space applications in telemedicine and tele-education, and human resource development with special emphasis on remote sensing of the earth and its applications.