In the frame of the upcoming International Astronautical Congress 2019 (IAC 2019) that will be taking place in Washington D.C., United States, from 21 – 25 October 2019, the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) is hosting at the Global Networking Forum (GNF), during its annual Industry Day, the IAC2019 Startup Pitch Session on Tuesday 22 October 2019.


If you have a startup that was incorporated before January 1st, 2019 don’t miss the opportunity to pitch in front of a jury of world known space experts and investors!

Each startup will have 5 minutes to pitch plus 3 minutes of feedback and questions from the jury.


All participants (speakers/presenters) in the IAF Startup Pitch Session will get a one-day free pass to the IAC for Tuesday 22 October, and will benefit from exposure to the world aerospace leaders*.

Each selected startup, will benefit from pitch coaching sessions provided by Airbus, prior to the event. Representatives of the selected startups will also receive an exclusive invitation to the VIP Industry Breakfast and Industry Lunch at IAC 2019.

The winning startup of this IAF Pitch Session will receive the following prizes:

  • Complimentary registration for founder(s) of the winning startup to IAC 2020 in Dubai, UAE, provided by Lockheed Martin
  • Tour of the Airbus Bremen Multi Divisional Site with exclusive access to the production stage of the Ariane launchers, to a mockup of the ISS, to the A400 M fuselage and more!
  • Dedicated area within the Exhibition at IAC 2020 in Dubai, UAE, provided by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
  • IAF Official Certificate and goodies bags, provided by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)


In order to be considered for the IAF Startup Pitch session, the following materials must be submitted by Friday 5 July 2019, 00:00 CEST:

  • Complete online application form (
  • A short video sample (2 minutes maximum), in English, presenting the Startup and explaining why your startup should be selected
  • Provide your Pitch Deck (maximum 5 slides)

For any question, please get in touch with Isabella Marchisio, IAF Senior Projects Manager (

* One day waivers to the Congress only grant access for the day of your participation in the session. Should you wish to attend the entire IAC, you will be requested to register and pay at