WASHINGTON, D.C. – There is significant debate over how best to regulate the emerging industry of commercial human space flight, commonly referred to as “space tourism.”  The House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics will hold a hearing to consider what level of regulation is necessary for the commercial space industry, what role the federal government should play in promoting the industry, and whether or not the government should indemnify against losses caused by space tourism launches.  Witnesses will also testify on H.R. 3245, introduced by Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics Chairman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), a bill designed to address many of these emerging issues.

Wednesday, November 5, 2003
Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics – Hearing
H.R. 3245, Commercial Space Act of 2003
10:30 A.M. – 12:30 NOON
2318 Rayburn House Office Building (WEBCAST)

Witness List:

Henry Hertzfeld, Senior Research Staff Scientist at the Space Policy Institute Center for International Science and Technology Policy, George Washington University.

Raymond Duffy, Jr., Senior Vice President at Willis InSpace Insurance Underwriters.

Pamela Meredith, Counsel at the law firm of Zuckert, Scoutt & Rasenberger, LLP where she practices aerospace and space law.  Ms. Meredith also is an Adjunct Professor of satellite communications and space law at American University’s Washington College of Law.

Gary Hudson, Chief Executive Officer of HMX, an aerospace services company.  Mr. Hudson is the former President and Chief Executive Officer of the Rotary Rocket Company.

Michael S. Kelly, Technical Manager at Northrop-Grumman/Xon Tech, and founder of the Kelly Space and Technology Corporation.