With a total of DM 32 million, the Federal Government, the Land of Bremen,
the German Aerospace Center (DLR, Cologne), OHB System GmbH (Bremen) and
Astrium are involved in the development of a demonstrator for reusable space
transport systems to be carried out within the framework of the national
technology program ASTRA. “Development of PHOENIX will be the first step
towards the realization of a European, reusable space transport system “,
said Josef Kind, member of the board of management of Astrium N.V. with
responsibility for the Space Infrastructure division, on the occasion of the
official go-ahead for the development of a new space transport system in
Bremen on Wednesday.

The demonstrator PHOENIX is intended to prove the feasibility of a future,
reusable space transport system. The use of such a “small” prototype is
required as due to physical influences in the atmosphere not all the design
features can be demonstrated with the help of computer simulations and wind
tunnel tests. A demonstrator will also help to cut costs in the development
phase of the future space transport system.

Out of own funds, Astrium will invest about DM 14 million and the
medium-sized Bremen company OHB System almost DM 1 million in the
development of the flight demonstrator. The Land of Bremen is contributing
DM 10.5 million out of its technology fund. The remaining costs will be
jointly covered by the Federal Government and DLR. Development, construction
and testing are scheduled for completion by the end of the year 2003. The
demonstrator will be just under seven meters long. It will have a wingspan
of 3.8 meters, a weight of 1,200 kilograms and will be similar in appearance
to the US Space Shuttle.

“Projects that are intended to safeguard Europe’s top position in the space
transport sector cannot be financed by one organization alone. It was the
interplay of Federal Government, Laender and industry that enabled us to
bring PHOENIX into being,” said Josef Kind.

Josef Hattig, Senator for Economic Affairs and Harbors of the Free Hanseatic
City of Bremen, emphasized that “through its financial involvement amounting
to DM 10.5 million the Land of Bremen will promote German system competence
in the field of European space research. The fact that more than 90% of the
development costs will flow back to Bremen in the form of orders has
confirmed me in my decision to support the program. In addition to the
Bremen-based Space Infrastructure division of Astrium, which is responsible
for the PHOENIX development, the Center for Applied Space Technology and
Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen and OHB are involved in the

PHOENIX forms an essential part of the national program ASTRA (Selected
systems and technologies for future space transport system applications). In
addition to Astrium and DLR, companies such as MAN-Technologie, OHB-System
and Kayser-Threde, ZARM as well as three DFG special research departments of
the Technical Universities of Aachen, Munich and Stuttgart are involved in

Prof. Dr. Walter Krˆll, Chairman of the German Aerospace Center: “The ASTRA
program will help to promote German system and technical competence in the
industry, at universities and DLR institutes in order to provide a basis for
the development of future-oriented concepts and state-of-the-art
technologies for a new space transport system that will enable Germany and
Europe to face severe competition in the international markets. Technology
development will particularly focus on structures, construction, materials,
propulsion systems, flight guidance and control”.

Europe’s sustained, autonomous access to space can only be ensured by
drastically lowering the present level of transportation costs and by
improving operational flexibility, system reliability and environmental
compatibility. The already started Ariane 5 evolution program to increase
the payload capacity of the European launcher system from six to twelve tons
will reduce transportation costs considerably. However, in the long run,
from 2015, high efficiency can only be achieved by using reusable space
transport systems, continued Prof. Dr. Krˆll.

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