Mr Pedreira, who is a Portuguese national, was selected 2nd May 2005, on a competitive basis out of a large number of highly qualified candidates. He will head the European GNSS Supervisory Authority, which is a new Community Agency, for a 5 year term which can be renewed. Mr. Pedreira will sign and monitor the concession contract with the private sector for the Galileo Public-Private Partnership and be in charge of all frequency, certification and security issues. As such he will have a key role for the success of the European satellite positioning and navigation system.

Mr Pedreira has a vast experience of the telecommunications industry and a deep knowledge of satellite, communication and information technologies. He has worked for ten years within Eutelsat in Paris (European Telecommunications Satellite Organisation). Most recently, he has held various management positions in the Portugal Telecom group.

More information:

The Council regulation creating the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (EC 1321/2004 of 12 July 2004) was published in the Official Journal, L 246 of 20 July 2004. The concession contract for Galileo shall be signed by the end of the year. Negotiations by the Galileo Joint Undertaking with two private concession bidders have started in March this year.

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