The first stage of the Boeing
Delta IV is on its way to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla., in
preparation for its first launch. On Tuesday, the first stage – also
referred to as the common booster core (CBC) – was rolled out of the Delta
Launch Vehicle Factory in Decatur, Ala. The Delta IV is heading to Space
Launch Complex 37 riding aboard the M/V Delta Mariner.

The voyage will take 7 – 10 days. Upon arrival, the first stage will be
taken to the Boeing Horizontal Integration Facility where it will be
prepared for the first launch next year.

While at the Cape, the Delta team will begin processing the rocket for
flight. In addition, a hotfire test will also be conducted with the rocket
to ensure launch success.

There are currently four assigned launches for 2002 – five for 2003. The
customers are a mix of commercial and government users.