We are happy to announce that the first data from the Double Star mission are accessible on line.

The Double Star Science Data System (DSDS) is an integral part of the Double Star Mission to the Earth’s magnetosphere.

The DSDS can be accessed here.

Once the page has loaded you can choose the data centre closest to your location.

Double Star PIs, CoIs and GIs will be contacted directly by their assigned data centre to get a username and password to access prime parameters data. The summary parameters, the position (EPOS) catalogues and the quicklook plots are public.

To fulfil the requirement of exchange of Double Star data among scientists, the Double Star Science Working Team together with the Double Star Project have established DSDS, a distributed set of data centres, most of which are associated with one or more of the Double Star experiments. Data are processed by the PI teams and the distributed via the data centres. Each centre contains a full set of the data.

Data sets provided are:

Quicklook plots (DSDSWeb)

Latest data from the two spacecraft, including particle and wave spectrograms, as gif files these data are available to the general public:

Summary Parameter Data Base (SPDB)

Different parameters, from the two spacecraft and averaged over one minute, plus spacecraft position, separation distances, and spin axis orientations; these data are available to the general public via the DSDS

Prime Parameter Data Base (PPDB)

Parameters from the two spacecraft averaged over one spin period (4 sec.); these data are restricted to the Double Star PIs and Co-Is and can be accessed via the DSDS

The PPDB and SPDB parameters are in physical units, and have been validated by the PI teams. During this validation process caveats have been added, concerning the limitations of these data, and the users are strongly encouraged to read these caveats prior to any study. The purpose of the PPDB/SPDB is to establish and carry out coordinated data analysis. Neither raw data from the PPDB/SPDB, nor any data derived from the PPDB/SPDB can be published without the agreement of the PI responsible for the data.

For further information, please contact:

Project Scientist

Philippe Escoubet – Philippe.Escoubet esa.int
Liu Zhen-Xing – liu center.cssar.ac.cn

Data Centre Manager

Austrian Data Centre
Gunter.Laky – Gunter.Laky oeaw.ac.at

Chinese Data Centre
Jiankui Shi – jkshi center.cssar.ac.cn

ESTEC Data Centre
H. Bowen – hbowen rssd.esa.int

French Data Centre
Marcel Camps – cluster cnes.fr

UK Data Centre
Chris Perry – c.perry rl.ac.uk