Will the Moon be the ultimate travel destination? Can we harness energy from the Moon? How and when can we build a lunar base or a lunar village? Will it be possible to transform that barren landscape 384 000 km away into a thriving hub of scientific research and industrialization? These and other questions will be discussed during the first Convention of Lunar Explorers (LUNEX) in Paris, at the Palais de la Découverte from 8 to 10 March.

The first LUNEX Convention will bring together lunar explorers from all backgrounds, including professionals, amateur space enthusiasts and interested visitors from the public. During the Convention numerous oral presentations will prompt detailed discussions on all aspects of future lunar exploration: the Moon as a geology laboratory or an astronomical platform; the knowledge of lunar geography needed to land and move on the surface; the implications of finding water-ice on the Moon and whether this might be detected by forthcoming missions; the architecture of lunar habitats; what would be needed in the future for the Moon to support life; cultural and social aspects; and the scientific motivation for returning to the Moon.

The Convention will also be the main public event in 2001 at which SMART-1 is presented. SMART-1, due to be launched in 2002 will test solar electric propulsion and other innovative approaches for future deep space probes. It is the first European satellite to be sent towards the Moon. Visitors to the Palais de la Découverte will be able to view a model of SMART-1.

On 9 March, at 09:00, the media is invited to hear about the LUNEX objectives and activities and to learn about the European Space Agency’s SMART-1 mission within the broader context of ESA’s Planetary Exploration Programme.

Background information on LUNEX

The Lunar Explorers Society (LUNEX) is an international organization created by 200 founder members in July 2000. LUNEX was founded at the end of the 4th Conference on Exploration and Utilisation of the Moon (ICEUM4), organised by ESA and the International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG). Its aim is to promote the exploration of the Moon for the benefit of humanity, bridging the gap between space agencies and the general public to promote planetary exploration and space. The Lunar Explorers Society invites all interested individuals to become members.

Background information on SMART-1

SMART-1 is the first of ESA’s SMART (Small Mission for Advanced Research and Technology) missions under the Horizon 2000 Scientific Programme. SMART-1 will be launched in October 2002 on board an Ariane-5 rocket as an auxiliary payload. The mission’s primary objective is to flight-test solar electric primary propulsion on a Moon voyage, preparing crucial new technology for ESA’s Bepi-Colombo mission to Mercury. Other new technologies for spacecraft and instruments will also be tested. It will be the first time that Europe sends a spacecraft to the Moon. Besides relying on solar electric primary propulsion to leave the Earth and reach the Moon, the spacecraft will also carry out a complete programme of scientific observations in lunar orbit. During the cruise phase to reach the Moon, the instruments will be tested by observing the Earth and celestial targets.

For more information, please contact:

ESA ñ Communication Department

Media Relations Office

Tel: +33 (0)

Fax: +33 (0)

Dr Bernard H. Foing, Chairman of Lunar Explorers Society, ESA SMART-1 Project scientist

Tel +31(0)71.565.5647

Fax +31(0)71.565.4697



Programme of the 1st Convention of Lunar Explorers


Lunar Explorers Society


SMART-1 public web page


ILEWG International Lunar Exploration Working Group



Note to editors:

Members of the media are invited to attend the complete conference free of charge. The sessions planned for 9 March are of particularly great interest for media participation. Individual interviews and a web forum will be organized.

Media representatives wishing to take part in the Press Conference on 9 March at 09:00 (in English and French) are kindly requested to fill out and return the attached accreditation request by fax to: +33(0)



Programme of the Press Conference

Palais de la Découverte – Avenue Franklin Roosevelt (public entrance)

75008 Paris

Thursday 9 March 2001 – 09h00


9h00 Jean Audouze (Director of Palais de la Découverte): Welcome. Introduction to the Palais de la Découverte. Lunar exploration and public outreach

9h10 Bernard H. Foing (Chairman of the Lunar Explorers Society, ESA Smart-1 Project Scientist): The Lunar Explorers Society. Recommendations of ILEWG (International Lunar Exploration Working Group)

9h20 Yves Langevin (Institute d’Astrophysique Spatiale ñ Paris, chairman of ESA Solar System Working Group): Future exploration of the Moon and of the Solar System

9h30 Marcello Coradini (ESA, Coordinator of Solar System exploration

missions): The Planetary Exploration Programme at ESA

9h40 Giuseppe Racca (ESA SMART-1 Project Manager): Smart-1 – the ESA technology mission to the Moon

9h50 Questions & answers

10h00 End of the press conference

10h00 -18h45 1st convention of the Lunar Explorers

First Convention of Lunar Explorers in Paris

Palais de la Découverte ñ Paris

9 March 2001 ñ 09h00


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( ) I will attend the press conference on 9 March 2001

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