The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is pleased to announce that it will host the 6th Canadian Space Exploration Workshop (CSEW6), from November 25-27, 2008, at the John H. Chapman Space Centre in Longueuil, Quebec. Under the theme “Canadian Scientific Priorities for the Global Exploration Strategy,” this workshop will allow the Canadian space exploration community to present and discuss ideas for Canada’s scientific priorities for the Global Exploration Strategy (GES). The Canadian Space Agency’s interests in solar system science are broader than those defined in GES, but GES opportunities motivate a focus for discussions at this time.

Workshop discussions are intended to lead to the creation of a document describing Canadian scientific priorities relevant to the GES. This document will be published on the CSA website, and may be published in a scientific journal. The Canadian Space Agency will assess this output to help Canada take best advantage of scientific opportunities presented by GES to fulfill goals of the Government of Canada’s Science and Technology Strategy.

Come to CSEW6 and participate in the ongoing development of the Canadian Space Program!

Program Overview

In May 2007, the Global Exploration Strategy (GES), a new international framework for co-ordination of exploration activities, was launched, indicating interest by 14 space agencies, including the Canadian Space Agency, in developing new partnerships towards the exploration of the Moon, Mars and beyond. The GES presents a vision for robotic and human exploration focusing on destinations within the solar system where we may one day live and work.

In light of the opportunities presented by GES, the 6th Canadian Space Exploration Workshop 6 (CSEW6) will provide a forum where scientists, researchers and students from the planetary exploration, space astronomy, solar-terrestrial sciences, space life sciences, space physical sciences and operational space medicine communities can come together to consider Canadian scientific priorities for space exploration that fall under the umbrella of GES objectives, namely:

  • Scientific exploration of Mars
  • Scientific exploration of the Moon and asteroids.
  • Scientific research using the Moon as a platform.
  • Scientific research that will enable future human exploration of the Moon and beyond.

Workshop Format

CSEW6 will be planned around discussion-based breakout sessions. This workshop is intended to be a working meeting that will make significant steps forward in generating a scientific priorities document.

A Call for Ideas, which will be the main channel for individuals to communicate ideas for discussion, will be published shortly. Accepted ideas will be published in the CSEW6 workshop program. The Call for Ideas will be open to the broad exploration community. International responses highlighting potential collaborations are very welcome! Your responses to the workshop’s Call for Ideas will help determine the final format of the breakout sessions and serve as a basis for discussions therein.

A dedicated poster session is also planned, providing a means for participants to elaborate concepts and highlight current research results.

The workshop plenary session will include invited talks from international partners intended to provide background to GES and anticipated opportunities. Additional plenary talks may be invited from CSA Space Science Advisory Committees and CSA Discipline Working Groups (DWG). As well as individual ideas, the community is being encouraged to organize in advance of the workshop through CSA Discipline Working Groups where relevant to the workshop scope.

Further Information

Further information regarding this event will be posted in the coming days at:, where you will find information on registration, instructions for submitting ideas and abstracts, etc.

If you have any questions or comments, please email