Saint-Hubert, October 29, 1999 – Fine Arts students are given the opportunity
to blast off their career! Today, the Canadian Space Agency, in support of higher
education, launched the “Mission Hadfield” Canadian Patch Design Contest for
post-secondary students.

“At the Canadian Space Agency, we encourage students to achieve greater
scientific literacy and pursue careers in science and technology. We also support
higher learning in complementary areas as an important step in the development
of a well-rounded, highly educated community prepared to meet the challenges of
the 21st century, ” commented Mac Evans, President of the Canadian Space

Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Chris Hadfield will wear the winning
submission aboard space shuttle Endeavour during Mission STS-100 to the
International Space Station in the Summer of 2000. “Mission Hadfield” will be an
historic event for Canada with the delivery of the Space Station Remote
Manipulator System (SSRMS or new generation Canadarm) to the International
Space Station, its installation and the first Canadian spacewalk.

“I firmly believe in education and the opportunities it affords young Canadians”,
commented Hadfield. “What better way to celebrate Canadian innovation,
expertise and creativity than to offer Canadian youths the opportunity to
showcase their knowledge and skills and actively participate in a space mission”,
he concluded.

The grand prize winner will receive a signed copy of the original artwork as well
as a letter of congratulations signed by Chris Hadfield, a personal invitation to the
“Mission Hadfield” launch and a cash prize of $500 (CDN).

For contest rules, or to request an entry form, please contact the Canadian Space
Agency at (450) 926-4349 or any one of its five Canadian Space Resource
Centres at 1-800-511-3500. Entry forms may also be acquired on the Canadian
Space Agency website (see Information Kit).

The contest closes on February 1, 2000 at 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

The Canadian Space Agency is Canada’s authority on space and is committed to
the peaceful development and application of space knowledge and technology to
the benefit of Canadians and humanity. It manages and co-ordinates Canada’s
activities in the area of space exploration and employs the Canadian Astronaut

Information Kit

For more information, please contact:

Stéphane Corbin
Manager, Media Relations
Canadian Space Agency
Telephone: (450) 926-4350