A NExSS and Astrobiology Program Joint Workshop
July 27 – July 29

The NASA Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS) and Astrobiology Program are hosting an Exoplanet Biosignatures Workshop Without Walls to review, frame, and advance the science and technology of remotely detectable biosignatures for the search for life on planets around other stars. Future exoplanet observations will soon focus on the search for life beyond the Solar System. Biosignatures to be sought are those with global, potentially detectable, impacts on a planet. Biosignatures occur in an environmental context in which geological, atmospheric, and stellar processes and interactions may work to enhance, suppress or mimic these biosignatures. The workshop will bring together scientists from astronomy, planetary science, Earth sciences, heliophysics, biology, biogeochemistry, and instrument/mission development.

mid-April, 2016: Pre-workshop online activities to commence
July 27-29, 2016: In-person workshop (and online participation), Seattle, WA

Website: http://nai.nasa.gov/calendar/workshop-without-walls-exoplanet-biosignatures/