The European Space Agency is currently in the process of defining a long-term European strategy for space exploration.

As part of this activity, Alcatel Alenia Space Italia (AAS-I) is leading a study with the objective of identifying potential European contributions to the exploration of the Moon, taking the international context into account. Within this framework and in line with the Aurora programme, the Agency asked AAS-I to issue a “Call for Innovative Concepts and Technologies” addressed to Academic Institutions.

The aim of the Call is to look for innovative concepts and technologies, for instance in fields like in-situ resource utilization (ISRU), nuclear propulsion, habitation, nano-technology, modular architecture, and many other fields, which are relevant for Europe and which could lead to the development of new approaches and technologies for space exploration.

This is an interesting opportunity for the academic institutions to communicate their own vision and ideas for a European space exploration programme and to present their potential contributions.

Interested Academic Institutions shall submit their proposals by October 21, 2005, using a dedicated form that will be made available to them.

Via this form shall be addressed, among others, the following points:

  • Description and current status of the innovative concept / technology;