Follow the launch from one of the ESA establishments

ESA’s INTEGRAL (International Gamma Ray Astrophysics
Laboratory) satellite, will be launched by a Proton launcher
from Baikonur, Kazakhstan on 17 October at 06:41 CEST
(Central European Summer Time).

The most sensitive gamma-ray observatory ever launched,
INTEGRAL is a truly international mission involving all
ESA member states plus the USA and Russia. It carries four
instruments from teams led by scientists in Italy, France,
Germany, Denmark and Spain to gather and analyse gamma-rays,
X-rays and visible light from celestial objects.

INTEGRAL will give astronomers across the world their
clearest views yet of the most extreme environments in the
Universe. It will detect radiation from the most violent
events far away and from processes that made the Universe

Media representatives in Europe can follow the
videotransmission of the launch at ESA/Darmstadt (ESOC) in
Germany, which will be acting as the main European press
centre, ESA/Noordwijk (ESTEC) in the Netherlands,
ESA/Frascati (ESRIN) in Italy or ESA/Villafranca (VILSPA)
in Spain. At each site ESA specialists will be available
for interviews.

Media representatives wishing to attend are requested to
complete the attached reply form and fax it to the
Communication Office at the establishment of their choice.
[NOTE: Not attached here – A.Y.]

The ESA TV Service will provide video news releases and
live coverage of the launch between 06:15-07:00 and
08:00-08:30 CEST. Details of the transmission schedule
for the various Video News Releases can be found on

The launch can also be followed live on the internet at
starting at 06:15 hrs.

For further information, please contact:

ESA Media Relations Service
Tel: +33(0)
Fax: +33(0)