On Monday 15 January, ESA Director General Antonio Rodotà will be meeting the media at ESA Headquarters in Paris for a press breakfast, starting at 08:30, to take stock of the Agency’s achievements in 2000 and go through the list of activities planned in 2001.

This year will see the launch of major ESA telecommunications and Earth observation missions, further assembly missions to the International Space Station and the first visit by a European astronaut to the Station in April. ESA also has to prepare for its next Council meeting at ministerial level, in November.

Media representatives wishing to attend are kindly requested to complete the attached accreditation form and return it, preferably by fax, to the ESA Media Office in Paris

(fax: +33(0)


For further information, please contact :

ESA Media Relations Office

Tel: +33(0)

Fax: +33(0)



ESA Director General’s press breakfast

Monday 15 January 2001 – 08h30

ESA – 8/10, rue Mario Nikis – F-75015-Paris


First name : _________________________ Surname : _____________________


Media : _________________________________________________________________


Address : ________________________________________________________________



Tel : ______________________________ Fax : __________________________

Mobile : ____________________________ e-mail : ________________________


( ) I will be attending the above press breakfast

( ) I will not be attending