At a ceremony held yesterday at ESA headquarters in Paris, NASA European
Representative Karen Feldstein, on behalf of former NASA Administrator
Daniel Goldin, presented ESA Director General Antonio Rodot with the NASA
Distinguished Public Service Medal.

This exclusive distinction has been awarded to Mr Rodot in recognition of
his strong advocacy of transatlantic cooperation with NASA.

The accompanying letter, signed by Daniel Goldin while still NASA
Administrator, reads: “Through your dedication, ESA has assumed a major
leadership role in the development and operation of the International
Space Station. You have directed strong ESA bilateral cooperation with
NASA and have greatly furthered international civil space activities
through your support of the broad panoply of European Space Agency

“Your dedication and hard work”, it continues, “have produced significant
ESA contributions to the advancement of knowledge in space and Earth
sciences. These contributions are testimony to the breadth of support and
commitment you have demonstrated throughout your tenure. The contributions
of the European Space Agency to international cooperation in space
exploration under your stewardship continue to flourish as NASA and ESA
boldly explore the frontiers of space”.

“I am very pleased and honored to have worked with you. Again,
congratulations on your distinguished public service, which has greatly
contributed to expanded US-European civil space cooperation” added Mr
Goldin in conclusion.

“I am very grateful to Daniel Goldin and NASA, and deeply honoured to have
been awarded such special recognition” stated Mr Rodotà, pointing to the
light blue pin he proudly wore on his lapel as a mark of this recognition.
“I wish to share it with all the international staff at ESA who have
helped me perform my duties since I took up office and will continue to
do so in future. With many countries working together towards a common
goal, ESA is an exemplary model of international cooperation within
Europe, and I am also very proud of our success in fostering international
cooperation beyond the boundaries of the Old Continent”.

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