Another successful inter-satellite link achieved with
Artemis! After a world premiere laser link with Spot 4
in November 2001 and a relay with Envisat last month,
Artemis has transmitted data from the Japanese earth
observation satellite Adeos II.

ESA and NASDA, the Japanese space agency, had agreed to
cooperate on a data relay service between ESA’s Artemis
geostationary spacecraft and Nasda’s Adeos II in low
earth orbit, using ESA’s ground station in Redu, Belgium.

In this framework, ESA and NASDA performed a series of
tests from 27 to 29 March to demonstrate the system’s
performance and the operational links between the Adeos
II team in Tsukuba, Japan, and the Artemis Mission
Control Facility in Redu, Belgium.

Two types of test have been carried out:

* A complete loop was performed as telecommand and
telemetry data were transmitted using the Adeos II
high and low gain S-band antenna. This test involved
generating telecommands in Tsukuba, transmitting them
via terrestrial lines to Redu, uplinking them in the
Ka-band to Artemis and from there in the S-band to
Adeos II. On the return link the Adeos II telemetry
data were relayed via Artemis and Redu back to Japan.

* The second type of tests consisted of transmitting
Adeos II image data in the Ka-band at a rate of 60
Mbps. The Adeos II Global Imaging Instrument provides
earth observation images at 250m resolution via this

ESA and NASDA concluded that the tests had been
successful. Full compatibility and interoperability
between Artemis and Adeos II had been demonstrated. The
system is now ready to provide the S- and Ka-band data
relay service. This capability is expected to extend
the flexibility of earth observation satellite systems.

Prior to these tests ESA and NASDA had performed a
series of experiments independently: NASDA has confirmed
the good performance of data relay links between Adeos
II and the Japanese Data Relay satellite DRTS and ESA
had demonstrated the data relay link between Artemis
and Envisat.

The successful completion of the Artemis/Adeos II tests
is a further demonstration of the excellent cooperation
between ESA and NASDA and augurs well for its

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