Dr. Tracy M.A. Webb is the recipient of the Plaskett Medal for 2003.
This award was established by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
(RASC) and the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) in recognition of
the pivotal role played by John Stanley Plaskett in the establishment
of astrophysical research in Canada. The award, consisting of a gold
medal, is to be made annually to the Ph.D. graduate from a Canadian
university who is judged to have submitted the most outstanding
doctoral thesis in astronomy or astrophysics in the preceding two
calendar years. The recipient is invited to address one or the other of
the sponsoring Societies (at his or her choice) at their Annual
Meetings and to prepare a review paper to be published in the Journal
of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. This year, Dr. Webb
will address the Canadian Astronomical Society at its Annual Meeting
hosted by the University of Waterloo (Ontario) from June 1 to 3.

Dr. Webb wrote a doctoral dissertation entitled “The Formation and
Evolution of Galaxies: A Deep Submillimeter Survey”. Her work sheds
some light on the formation of the first structures in the very early
stages of the Universe. The thesis is based on observations obtained at
the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope using SCUBA, a high performance
submillimeter camera.

Dr. Webb obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Toronto under the
supervision of Professor Simon Lilly, a widely-known observationnal
cosmologist, now at the ETH Zurich Institute of Astronomy. Dr. Webb is
currently enjoying a NOVA Postdoctoral Fellowship at Leiden Observatory
in The Netherlands.

For more informations:

Dr. Tracy Webb
Leiden Observatory
Email: webb@strw.leidenuniv.nl

Dr. Gretchen L.H. Harris
University of Waterloo
Tel: (519) 885-1211 (x6856)
Email: glharris@astro.uwaterloo.ca
