This afternoon the delegation of the Australian Embassy in Russia
visited Rocket and Space Corporation Energia after S.P. Korolev.
Mr. Lesly Roove, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
Australia to the Russian Federation, and his party acquainted
themselves with the enterprise history and its lines of business,
including its activities under the Avrora Rocket-Space Complex
Project, the construction of which is currently under way on the order
of the Asian-Pacific Space Center (Australian Company), with the
participation of RSC Energia as a Prime Contractor and the leading
enterprises of the Russian rocket and space industry.

The delegation was received by Yu. P. Semenov, President of the
Corporation, General Designer and the RAS Academician, as well as
other corporate managers. The delegation visited the Museum and RSC
Energia’s Checkout and Test Facility where integrated tests of manned
and cargo space vehicles, orbital station modules, Upper Stages and
Yamal communication satellites are performed. Also the delegation took
a great interest in the Corporation – developed space technology test
articles, visited the Memorial square of the enterprise, had their
photos taken near the Monument to S.P. Korolev, the Academician, the
founder of the national practical cosmonautics.

Also in this event the following officials took part: A.F. Morozenko,
Mayor of Korolev, O.N. Soskovets, President of the Society of the
Cultural and Business Cooperation with Australia and New Zealand;
representatives of the Society and the city administration.