The Cyclone 4 fully-integrated upper stage, destined for the Cyclone 4M rocket to be launched from Nova Scotia, Canada, has successfully undergone the 7000 series qualification profile on August 23, 2019. This was followed by a second full duration burn profile on August 30, 2019.

This fully-integrated system level test, which followed the recent successful completion of the C4M payload fairing qualification demonstration test, validates the key components of the satellite deployment capability for the launch complex in development in Nova Scotia at Canada’s first and only commercial orbital rocket launch complex.

The Cyclone-4 LV 3rd stage hot fire tests were intended to check the operation of pneumo-hydraulic propellant supply system to RD86lK engine, the thrust vector control system and liquid jet system, as well as the RD861K engine operation as a whole. The full test sequence of the RD861K engine had five ignitions during the first test cycle with a total burn time of 405.2 sec.

The second full test sequence of the RD861K engine also had five starts with a total engine ignition time of 400.2 sec. All of the Cyclone-4 fully integrated 3rd stage hot fire tests were successfully completed and all systems showed normal performance and confirmed the accuracy of all design objectives.

Completion of the Cyclone 4M upper stage precursor integrated system qualification test is a major step forward in the mission readiness preparation for the Cyclone 4M program, as the development of the LOx/RP1 first stage development and design of the spaceport facility and support equipment continue.

Steven Matier, CEO of Maritime Launch, commented: “The full-duration burn of our C4M upper stage brings us closer to introducing this medium-class launcher into commercial operation in 2021 from our spaceport in Canada. The C4M, with well-proven rocket technology heritage over 220 successful launches, will cater to our small-GEO, constellation and rideshare customers worldwide.”

About Maritime Launch

Maritime Launch Services is a commercial aerospace company based in Nova Scotia. Our plan is to establish a commercially-controlled, commercially-managed, launch site that would provide rocket launch services to clients, in support of the growing commercial space transportation industry. The development of this facility will allow the Cyclone 4M launch vehicles to place satellites into low-earth and/or sun synchronous orbit, building to a launch tempo of eight launches per year. This would be the first commercial orbital launch complex in Canada.