On the eve of celebrating 96 years since the day of birth of Sergei
Pavlovich Korolev, the academician, the founder of RSC Energia, the
prominent scientist, organizer and founder of the national practical
cosmonautics, Chief Designer of rocket-space systems (born on January 12,
1907), Rocket and Space Corporation Energia after S.P. Korolev arranged
events in Korolev and Moscow to perpetuate his name.

The ceremony for awarding the prize winners and contestants of an annual
contest of young scientists and specialists submitted for the Prize after
the academician S.P. Korolev in 2002 instituted by the Korolev’s
Administration was held in RSC Energia’s Museum. The contest laureate’s
prizes, memorable diplomas and medals have been presented to the following
persons: the Corporation’s young employees Yu.P. Banit, A.V. Bogachev (1
place), K.V. Psyanin (2 place). Young creative group from GNPTs Zvezda –
Strela (A.A. Kaverin, O.A. Krasnova, A.N. Tiumin) ranked the third among the
prize winners. Certificates of Honour of the city’s Head and valuable gifts
have been presented to other active contestants from RSC Energia as well.
The following officials addressed the meeting extending congratulations and
best wishes of further creative achievements: the Head of Korolev’s
Administration A.F. Morozenko, the First Vice President of RSC Energia, ZEM
Director A.F. Strekalov; the daughter of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev N.S.
Koroleva; the deputy of Moscow Regional Duma V.M. Baranov; the
Pilot-Cosmonaut, Twice Hero of the Soviet Union G.M. Strekalov.

The managers and representatives of the enterprise collective, the city
Administration and general public, the Corporation’s veterans, the relatives
and companions of Sergei Pavlovich put wreaths at the memorial plagues and
monuments devoted to the outstanding scientist and designer which are
situated on the territory of the enterprise and Korolev, as well as in the
Cosmonauts’ lane, Moscow. The wreaths were placed near the Kremlin Wall, at
the S.P. Korolev’s burial place too.