As part of its on-going efforts to connect Canadians to space including its benefits and challenges, the Canadian Space Society (CSS) is conducting a number of events in Toronto during 29 Sep – 3 Oct:

29 Sep – 3 Oct – CSS Booth at the International Astronautical Congress

30 Sep – 2 Oct – Space Art and History Exhibit (FREE and open to public) featuring the CSS-inspired ‘Revolutions’ space art collection and the Canadian DFATD-sponsored ‘Canada 50 Years in Space’ Collection. Metro Toronto Convention Centre-North (MTCC-N), 255 Front Street West, Rm 103

30 Sep – Canadian Space Leader Roundtable/International Astronautical Federation Space Societies Committee Meet & Greet, 7-9pm. MTCC-N, 255 Front Street West, Rm 103.

2 Oct – Tribute to Late Frederick I Ordway III – former NASA Engineer, colleague of Dr Wernher von Braun, and consultant to Stanley Kubrick film “2001: A Space Odyssey”. 7-8:30pm. MTCC-N, 255 Front Street West, Rm 103.

Inquiries related to these events may be directed to Wayne Ellis, CSS President,, 204-250-6165.