The organizers of the 2008 Canadian Space Summit are pleased to announce the release of the preliminary schedule for the Summit, taking place in Montreal on November 21st to 23rd.

This year’s Summit promises to be the most comprehensive in the history of this conference as it is bringing together scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and policy advisor’s together from across Canada and beyond to discuss future strategies for Canada’s space industry. Some highlights from this year’s schedule include: Dr. Rene Doyon of the University of Montreal; Ms. Shawna Pandya of the University of Alberta; Mr. Perry Edmundson of Com Dev in Cambridge, Ontario; and Ms. Dawn Cartright of the Canadian Auto Workers.

The complete Space Summit schedule can be found at Of special note is the public event being held in the evening of November 21st. This will give the public a unique opportunity to meet and mingle with many of Canada’s space experts and learn firsthand what Canadians are doing to explore the universe.

“The Canadian Space Society is really trying to drive the Space Summit as the forum for discussion and collaboration for the Canadian space community” says Kevin Shortt, President of the Canadian Space Society. “What makes the Canadian Space Summit unique is that it is the only annual Canadian conference that brings together experts from all facets of Canada’s space industry”.

The Canadian Space Summit is an annual event hosted by the Canadian Space Society, a national non-profit space advocacy group explicitly dedicated to helping the Canadian space industry, academia, and special interest groups develop a wider understanding of the diverse space exploration and development projects that are being conducted across the country.

The 2008 Space Summit theme is “What’s Next for the Canadian Space Industry?” It addresses relevant issues in Canada’s current and future space program and the major roles that could be played by various advocates, private sector companies, provincial and federal government organizations and academia.

The 2008 Canadian Space Summit is a must attend event for:

  • Aerospace executives and independent consultants focused on enhancing the global competitiveness of Canadian industries.
  • Space advocates and enthusiasts who believe in exploring space solutions to solve terrestrial problems and who want to network with their peers.
  • Professors and students at Canadian educational institutions focused on basic research in space or aerospace related areas.
  • Venture capitalists, SR&ED credit financing firms and other organizations seeking an introduction to innovative programs and projects being undertaken right now in Canadian facilities by Canadian scientists and engineers.

For more information on the schedule, accommodation information and speaker updates, please see the Space Summit announcement on the CSCA webpage at or contact the summit organizers via e-mail at summit AT