MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.
has been awarded two contracts totaling $6.7 million by the
Canadian Space Agency. Under the first contract for $5.7 million, MDA will
implement specific modifications to the RADARSAT-2 spacecraft to support a
proposed tandem mission with RADARSAT-3. The second contract awarded to the
Richmond-based company, worth $1 million, provides for the implementation of
the second phase of a Mission Definition Study, including the preparation of a
detailed implementation plan for RADARSAT-3.

The RADARSAT-2 and 3 tandem mission will provide the capability to
capture high-resolution three-dimensional images of the Earth’s surface on an
ongoing basis, and will maintain Canada’s leadership in the application of
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology.

“This innovative project led jointly by the Canadian Space Agency and MDA
will strengthen Canada’s leadership and expertise in the growing field of
Earth observation,” said the Honourable Brian Tobin, Minister of Industry and
Minister responsible for the Canadian Space Agency. “Moreover, this new use of
Synthetic Aperture Radar technology offers great potential to expand our reach
in new sectors of activity, thus strengthening Canada’s ability to effectively
compete in global markets.”

Daniel Friedmann, President and CEO of MDA said: “With this contract
award from the Canadian Space Agency, we have a unique window of opportunity
to implement these improvements to RADARSAT-2 and prepare the way for a
potential future tandem mission with RADARSAT-3. The tandem mission would
provide us with an important data source and allow us to produce for the first
time, complete 3-D elevation mapping of the entire planet.”

The launch of RADARSAT-2 is now expected for late 2003.

About MDA

MacDonald Dettwiler is an information company that provides essential
information from anywhere in the world for decision making in the workplace.
The Company operates its business through two principal groups: The
Information Products Group and The Information Systems Group. They develop
information systems for armed forces and police forces. From space, they
monitor activities on the planet. MDA designed and built the Canadarm for the
Space Shuttle and the Canadarm2 for the International Space Station. The
Company employs 1,800 people around the world.

About the Canadian Space Agency

Established in 1989 with its headquarters situated in Saint-Hubert,
Quebec, the Canadian Space Agency co-ordinates all aspects of the Canadian
Space Program. Through its space knowledge and Applications & Industry
Development business line, the CSA delivers services involving: Earth and the
Environment, Space Science, Human presence in Space, Satellite Communications,
Generic Space Technologies and Space Qualification Services and Awareness. The
Canadian Space Agency is at the forefront of the development and application
of space knowledge for the benefit of Canadians and humanity.