Poker Flat, Alaska, – The Canadian Space Agency is set to launch a
Canadian-built rocket into space on a scientific mission to study the Northern Lights.

The launch window for the GEODESIC (Geoelectrodynamics and Electro-Optical Detection of
Electron and Suprathermal Ion Currents) mission, which also includes instruments funded by NASA,
is scheduled for February 3 to 14. An exact launch date cannot be set because the mission requires
specific weather conditions.

A post-launch press release will be sent out to members of the media. The rocket will be launched
from a NASA facility in Poker Flat, Alaska.

Date: Between February 3 to 14, 2000

Location: Poker Flat, Alaska, United States

For more information :

Yanik Deschênes

Canadian Space Agency

Telephone: (450) 926-4370

Cell : (5l4) 945-4522