This week, astronomers from across the country are gathering in London to set the course of Canadian astronomical research for the next decade and celebrate Canada’s role in astronomical and astrophysical research.

The University of Western Ontario’s department of Physics and Astronomy is hosting the annual meeting of the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) at the London Convention Centre. Western successfully bid to host this national event from May 30-June 2, with a goal to showcase London’s growing astronomical community and significantly upgraded facilities.

“Our Western research team has greatly increased since last hosting this conference in 1994,” says astronomy professor Aaron Sigut. “The graduate enrolment in this field has grown tremendously since then. Today, we have nearly 30 MSc and PhD Astronomy students and we are now able to contribute far more on an international level.”

Through a series of research presentations, CASCA delegates are sharing the latest advances in astronomical science, facilities and educational outreach. “We’re proud and excited to host this national conference,” says astronomy professor Paul Wiegert. “Beyond providing an amazing opportunity for colleagues to exchange ideas and plan for the future, it also serves as a catalyst to greater discovery.”

For more information on the conference program, visit

The Canadian Astronomical Society was founded in 1971 and incorporated in 1983, as a society of professional astronomers devoted to the promotion and advancement of knowledge of the universe through research and education. The Society supports committees on Optical and Infrared Astronomy, Radio Astronomy, Space Astronomy, Theoretical Astronomy, Education, Heritage, Canadian Grad Students, and Awards. The Society’s quarterly newsletter, Cassiopeia, is published at equinoxes and solstices.

Media Contacts:

Aaron Sigut, Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Western Ontario
226-374-6260; 519-661-2111 ext. 86718;

Paul Wiegert, Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Western Ontario
519-661-2111 ext. 81327;

Leslie Sage, CASCA Press Officer

Maureen Spencer Golovchenko, Communications and Public Affairs
The University of Western Ontario
519-661 2111 ext. 85165;