ESA’s Business and Benefit from Space exhibit (Hall 18, Stand E18, Ground Floor) will showcase the many commercial opportunities that the International Space Station provides to European industrial and investment communities.

The overall motivation for commercialisation of the International Space Station (ISS) is to foster the economic development and exploitation of space, by stimulating research in space and supporting innovative uses of the ISS. The research facilities aboard the Station, together with regular access and the possibility for continual use, offer an unprecedented opportunity for industry to conduct its own research and development in weightlessness, and the image of the Station presents new avenues for marketing.

The possibility of commercial access to the International Space Station for the purposes of private research, sponsorship and education has been built up between public and private Space Station partners over recent years. The outcome of commercial initiatives resulting from this partnership will be presented at the Fair and visitors can find out how they can share in the exciting commercial possibilities that the Space Station offers. A number of invited speakers will give talks on the opportunities currently available for doing business in space.

“The International Space Station has brought important technological advances and offers exciting commercial opportunities for Europe,” says Jörg Feustel-Büechl, ESA’s Director of Human Spaceflight, “in doing so, it is bringing about economic development for the benefit of life here on Earth”.

For further information on the commercial opportunities that the International Space Station provides to European industrial and investment communities, please contact:

Maurizio Belingheri
Head of ISS Commercial Promotion Office
Directorate of Human Spaceflight
Tel: +33(0)71.565.5068
Fax: +33(0)71.565.5232
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