NASA Ames Research Center has appointed Bonnie Dalton as deputy director for the Astrobiology and Space Research Directorate. She most recently served as acting chief of the NASA Ames Life Sciences Division.

Dalton started her career at NASA Ames in 1963 as a bacteriologist. She has made significant contributions to the life sciences program in several capacities, as payload manager for Spacelab missions, branch chief for the Science Payload Operations Branch, and deputy division chief and division chief (acting) for the Life Sciences Division. She has played a key role in the development of requirements and budgets for Ames’ participation in the International Space Station.

In addition, she has focused the division’s research on molecular biology and the use of both hypergravity and artificial microgravity to understand the elemental forces controlling the protein structures and subsequent biological systems, along with expanding the division’s biotechnology and nanotechnology capabilities and applications.

Dalton has a master’s degree in microbiology from Montana State University, and an MBA in management and finance from Golden Gate University.

For more information: Victoria Steiner, 650/604-0176 or by e-mail at: