The Boeing Company is providing 94 4th-though-8th grade school teachers from 16 states and five countries the chance to experience the rigors of astronaut training at the 14th Annual Boeing Educators to SPACE CAMP, July 12-17, at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala.

The program, which includes a series of exercises involving simulated space missions, astronaut training and lectures by experts in rocketry and space exploration, uses space education as a means to motivate teachers and enhance their skills in presenting math, science, and technology lessons in the classroom. Enhancing teacher effectiveness in the classroom is a core element of Boeing’s Early Learning/K-12th grade education strategy.

“Teachers are the lifeblood of our education system, and Boeing is proud to offer this hands-on opportunity to educators that will expand their knowledge of math, science and space,” said Rick Stephens, senior vice president, Boeing Internal Services. “These teachers will be inspired to bring this aerospace experience back to the classroom through new and challenging science lessons — for a direct and lasting effect on the students they teach,” said Stephens.

Since 1992, more than 330 teachers have taken part in the Boeing Educators to SPACE CAMP program. Boeing Community and Education Relations staff throughout the company work with school districts, chambers of commerce and other organizations to select teachers for the program.

The teachers will graduate from SPACE CAMP on July 17. Each leaves with a workbook and lesson plan information, supplied by SPACE CAMP. They will also have access to an educator training facility and a Web site designed for SPACE CAMP graduates with science experiments and other curriculum information. It is estimated that more than 24,000 students around the world have benefited from the annual Boeing program.

Boeing’s education strategy is to support systemic and continuous improvement in school systems, concentrating on teacher effectiveness in literacy, math and science, and on school leadership. In the realm of higher education, Boeing focuses on access to education (i.e., scholarships with an emphasis on underrepresented and financial need students); enhanced skills (specifically enhanced K-12 teacher preparation); university retention and student support programs; and national technical education advocacy.

The following states and countries will be represented at the 14th Annual Boeing Educators to SPACE CAMP (number of teachers from each location is in parentheses): Alabama (2); Alaska (1); Arizona (1); California (15); Florida (5); Hawaii (2); Illinois (21); Kansas (2); Mississippi (1); Missouri (10); Oregon (2); Pennsylvania (2); Texas (13); Utah (4); Washington, DC/Virginia (5); Washington (3); Australia (1); Israel (1); Italy (1); Japan (1) and the United Kingdom (1).

Boeing is the world’s leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft. Boeing employs approximately 154,000 people in 48 states in the United States and 67 countries, with major operations in the Puget Sound area of Washington State, Southern California and St. Louis. Total company revenues for 2004 were $52.5 billion. For more information, go to .