Tig Krekel, president of Boeing Satellite Systems (BSS), and Joe DeSarla, executive vice president of BSS, have announced their intention to leave The Boeing Company to pursue other opportunities.

Krekel and DeSarla will be on special assignment supporting Jim Albaugh,
president of the Boeing Space & Communications Group, and The Boeing Company
on business and programmatic-related studies during a transition period.

Effective immediately, Randy Brinkley, currently senior vice president of
programs, is appointed acting President of BSS, reporting directly to Jim

“Boeing Satellite Systems has prospered under the management and
leadership of Tig and Joe, and we wish both of them much continued success in
the future,” said Albaugh.
“We are very appreciative that they will be
continuing in an advisory capacity for some time into the future.”

Brinkley joined Hughes Space & Communications in 1999.
Previous to
joining Hughes, he was the Program Manager of the International Space Station
at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.
He has also held leadership positions with
McDonnell Douglas as the Manager of Advanced Aircraft Systems Research and
Development and with NASA as the Mission Director for Shuttle Mission STS-61,
the first servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope.

“The Boeing Company is committed to continuing on the path that Boeing
Satellite Systems has been on for the last several years,” Albaugh said.
success that BSS demonstrated during the year 2000 has convinced us that the
business has the correct strategy and focus.”

For more information contact Anne Eisele of Boeing Space & Communications
Group, 562-797-1022.