In a bold initiative, Boeing Launch
Services, Arianespace S.A., and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI)
announced today the signing of an agreement to provide a powerful new
commercial service offering that combines the strength of three leading launch
service providers to ensure on-time launches for customers around the world.

In a striking similarity to the commercial airline industry where
passengers buy one ticket that connects the flight schedules of several
partner airlines, the new launch services alliance makes mission assurance a
reality by offering commercial customers the ability to fly on three of the
world’s finest launch systems. Under this agreement, Arianespace, Boeing
Launch Services and MHI will create a unique service offering that allows
customers to seamlessly transition among launch platforms for maximum
flexibility to ensure on-time delivery to orbit. This tri-party alliance also
preserves each launch provider’s ability to individually market and promote
its own unique platforms and capabilities to customers.

“In a competitive global market for launch services you need to provide
customers with focused solutions that meet their needs,” said Will Trafton,
President of Boeing Launch Services and Vice President and General Manager,
Expendable Launch Systems for Boeing. “We believe that the best way to
enhance service and optimize customer satisfaction is to offer the
capabilities of three respected launch systems to achieve maximum flexibility
and mission assurance.”

Boeing Launch Services will offer Sea Launch, a launcher of heavy-class
commercial satellites with a mass up to 6,000 kg to GTO.

“We are providing unparalleled access to space in order to meet our
customers’ rapidly changing needs,” said Jean-Yves Le Gall, Chief Executive
Officer of Arianespace. “Together we are reinventing and redefining launch
services for the 21st Century.”

“Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has extensive experience in cooperative
alliances with leading companies from around the world,” elaborated Junichi
Maezawa, Managing Director and General Manager of MHI Aerospace Headquarters.
“We are confident that this creative arrangement will further enhance our
customers’ satisfaction.”

While the benefits of this commercial launch service alliance will be
available to all current and future satellite customers, each launch services
provider will remain autonomous. Customers will remain the final decision
makers while they gain access to a much broader set of solutions than would
otherwise be available in today’s market.

About Arianespace

Arianespace S.A. is the leading global commercial launch services provider
serving primarily commercial satellites launched to geostationary transfer
orbit (GTO). Created in 1980 as the world’s first commercial space
transportation company, Arianespace has signed contracts for the launch of
more than 250 satellite payloads. For further information, see the
Arianespace Web site at .

About Boeing Launch Services

Boeing Launch Services Inc., headquartered in Huntington Beach, Calif., is
responsible for the marketing and sales of the Sea Launch and Delta family of
launch vehicles to commercial and government customers. BLS is part of
Boeing’s Integrated Defense Systems, which is one of the world’s largest space
and defense businesses. For more information, visit .

About Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. is Japan’s leading aerospace company with
responsibility for the manufacture, sale and launch of the highly successful
H-IIA launch vehicle. For more information, visit .

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