Boeing launch
officials at Space Launch Complex 37, Cape Canaveral Air Force
Station, Fla., successfully completed the sixth tanking test of the
first flight Delta IV rocket on Friday, moving it closer to its
anticipated launch.

The test validated the systems involved with the new rocket,
launch pad and mission control center, and allowed the launch team to
conduct actual launch countdown procedures including the tanking of
the rocket’s liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen propellants.

Delta IV is the newest expendable launch vehicle from Boeing
Launch Services which is part of Launch and Satellite Systems, a
principal business unit of Boeing Integrated Defense Systems.

“Today’s tanking test verified the launch countdown sequence of
events,” said Joy Bryant, Boeing Delta IV launch site director. “In
addition to tanking the vehicle, our team successfully executed the
software program that automates the final minutes of the count. We’re
now preparing for our final wet dress rehearsal when we’ll ignite the
RS-68 main engine for approximately five seconds.”

An initial review of the test data revealed that all elements
tested performed flawlessly, including the rocket’s software and
communication systems; telemetry system; range interface between
launch controllers and the rocket; tanking timelines, and the strap-on
booster systems.

“The team did an excellent job of integrating the systems for
Delta IV, and I am very pleased with today’s results. This is a major
milestone for the program. We have taken the well established Delta II
launch process and added automation to increase our reliability.
Having thoroughly proven the system under actual launch conditions, we
can now move forward with high confidence toward our flight readiness
firing test,” said Mark Wilkins, Delta IV chief engineer.

“The team and the hardware all worked very well today. We set up a
rigorous test program focused on assuring mission success and it has
provided all the data we need to move forward,” said Dan Collins,
Boeing vice president of Delta programs. “By building on each success,
we allow our team the opportunity to understand the entire system one
piece at a time. We’ve now put all the pieces together and we’re
excited as we move to the flight readiness firing.”

Upon successful completion of the second and final wet dress
rehearsal, the Delta team will move forward with payload integration
and final vehicle preparation for launch of the Eutelsat W5
telecommunications satellite, scheduled for Nov. 3.

A unit of The Boeing Co., Integrated Defense Systems is one of the
world’s largest space and defense businesses. With headquarters in St.
Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $23 billion business. It
provides systems solutions to its global military, government and
commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence,
surveillance and reconnaissance; the world’s largest military aircraft
manufacturer; the world’s largest satellite manufacturer and a leading
provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator
for U.S. missile defense; NASA’s largest contractor; and a global
leader in launch services.